New Directions (ND) grants program

שם: New Directions (ND) grants program
תאריך הגשה: 05/11/10
לאתר הקול הקורא
תיאור כללי:

The New Directions (ND) grants program provides funds to scientists and engineers with limited—or even no—preliminary results for a research project they wish to pursue, who intend to use the PRF-driven preliminary results to seek continuation funding from other agencies. ND grants are to be used to illustrate proof of concept/feasibility. Accordingly, they are to be viewed as seed money for new research ventures.

A "new research direction" is something different from previous research performed by the lead principal investigator (lead PI). But, it may involve a field of science or engineering in which others are already working. Therefore, the proposed research should not be in the same direction as—or overlap with—current projects in the lead PI’s research group. Excluded from consideration will be

  • Lead PIs who have had previous support or current funding for the project
  • Proposals presenting ideas that are a logical extension of ongoing research from the lead PI’s laboratory.

Preliminary results and/or communications are not required.

One co-principal investigator (co-PI) is permitted on an ND grant proposal. The proposed research does not have to be a new direction of research for the co-PI. However, the co-PI must meet all other eligibility criteria as if he/she were the lead PI, and provide the same information requested of the lead PI in the application. The lead PI (who should be denoted as such) and his/her institution (designated as the grantee institution) would subcontract the co-PI through the co-PI’s institution. Any number of collaborators may participate on the project. However, no funds from the ND grant may be used to support the collaborators or their respective students.

מקור: ישראלי
מדינות משתתפות: ישראל, ארצות הברית,
תקציב: Amount: $100,000 over 2 years.
Estimated number of grants awarded: ~ 100 each year.
מס' שנים למחקר: 2
איש קשר: רובי, סאשה, טל' 2152
תחומים: מדעים מדויקים
סוג הקרן: הקרן אינה קרן תחרותית.

Program Managers

  • Dr. Ronald E. Siatkowski, Director, Polymer Science; telephone: 202-872-6091, email:
  • Dr. Dean Dunn, Assistant Director, Geology, Geochemistry/Geophysics, and Chemical and Petroleum Engineering; telephone: 202-872-4083, email:
  • Dr. Burtrand I. Lee, Surface Science and Materials Science; telephone 202-872-6254, email:
  • Dr. Askar Fahr, Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Organic Chemistry, and Chemical Physics; telephone: 202-872-6207, email:
קרן ופרופילים משויכים: American Chemical Society - Petroleum Research Fund - PRF ,פתוח לחברי סגל הטכניון בלבד. אנא התחבר\י כדי לצפות בפרופילי המימון של הקרן (בפינה הימנית העליונה).