Pilot project on development of prevention activities to halt desertification in Europe

שם: Pilot project on development of prevention activities to halt desertification in Europe
תאריך הגשה: 30/06/10
לאתר הקול הקורא
תיאור כללי:

The European Commission, Directorate-General for Environment, Protection of Water Environment Unit, is launching a Call for Proposals with the aim of identifying several projects eligible for financial support, promoting action on desertification and droughts in pilot river basins, and contributing to the exchange of best practices at the local level.

The pilot projects are demonstration projects aimed at testing specially designed technologies, techniques or practices. They will have to demonstrate the potential of water saving for improving human and environmental conditions in different regions of the European Union, using low-cost approaches.

* conservation of rainwater and surface water;
* alternative forms of irrigation;
* water saving/water efficiency measures;
* crops consuming less water

Applicants must be public or private bodies, actors and institutions, non-governmental organisations, universities and/or research institutes registered in an EU Member State;
Applicants may associate with public or private bodies, actors and institutions, non-governmental organisations, universities and/or research institutes of candidate countries, western Balkan and European Neighbourhood Policy – ENP (Israel is included here) countries as partner organizations.

Total Indicative Budget:  2 400 000 € 

Budget per project: 400,000-800,000 €, up to 75% funding of total eligible costs

Further Information:
Call Text
Guidelines for grant applications
Submission forms

Contact Person:
Ady Sela - adys@dp.technion.ac.il

מקור: איחוד אירופי
מדינות משתתפות: איחוד האירופי,
מס' שנים למחקר: 12 -15 months
איש קשר: Ady Sela - adys@dp.technion.ac.il
תחומים: אנרגיה וסביבה,מדעים מדויקים
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